
Documents is a product that helps users to create, compare, save and share analytical reports from our core products. Reports can also be created using a search on connected data sources.


Identifying common user pain points based on general customer feedback led us to re-evaluate the existing dashboard experience and related features of the product.

<aside> 👥 “An overload of information and interactive elements on the screen without enough air significantly distracts the user from the actual data.”


<aside> 👥 “Comparability of displayed data is one of the core functions of a dashboard. Current features of the product are very limited in that sense.”



Unoptimized screen space

The primary function of cards to the user was data consumption and the existing design could only accommodate 60% of the space for this.

1. Card view switcher - data/chart, 2. Note-taking section, 3. Visual and its corresponding data slider

  1. Card view switcher - data/chart, 2. Note-taking section, 3. Visual and its corresponding data slider

  2. The visual-data switcher was not designed well. It created problems when two cards are displayed side-by-side and also took a good chunk of space.